The Numbers

Source:  AARP Menopause study, December 2019

This online survey of 599 men and women age 45 and older was fielded from December 6 – 12, 2019. The sample was drawn from AARP’s proprietary online panel (age 35+).

There is a need for dialogue and education. Many study participants say they are not prepared/knowledge of menopausal process/symptoms.

Two in five (40%) premenopausal women in the study say they are not prepared for the menopausal process and one-quarter (26%) say they are not knowledgeable about the process.

What's Impacted?

Menopause doesn’t just affect women; the men in their lives are impacted as well:

While men and women differ slightly on the numbers, they agree that sleep, sex, personality, and romantic relationships are the top four areas of life impacted by the change.

What parts of your life do your/your partner's symptoms interfere most?

Women 34%
Men 28%
Sexual activities
Women 23%
Men 35%
Women 21%
Men 31%
Romantic relationship(s)
Women 19%
Men 27%

What symptoms

are most bothersome?

Most bothersome symptoms cited for females: weight gain; males (bothersome for them as a companion): mood swings


Most bothersome for the female
  • Weight gain
  • Hot flashes
  • Sleep problems
  • Hair thinning
  • Mood swings


Most bothersome for the male
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep problems
  • Reduced libido
  • Depression
  • Fatigue

What symptoms

do they want relief for?​

Although bothered by many symptoms, there are specific ones for which they are more urgently seeking relief.  Men and women differ slightly on this; women are most bothered by weight gain, fatigue, sleep problems, mental fog and hot flashes.  The men in their lives differ somewhat, with their partners’ mood swings and reduced libido making their top 5.

Top symptoms for which individuals want relief


Weight gain 59%
Fatigue 58%
Sleep problems 48%
Mental fog 42%
Hot flashes 42%


Mood swings 57%
Sleep problems 52%
Fatigue 52%
Reduced libido 43%
Hot flashes 43%

There is high interest

in a tech device to address menopausal symptoms​

80% of women are interested in learning about a tech device for symptoms.

At the same time, only 30% of menopausal study participants  have sought relief through prescription medication: In a related study from AARP, we found that only about 6 percent of women choose Hormone Replacement Therapy for relief of their menopausal symptoms.

Source: AARP Menopause studies, 2017 and 2019

Interested in a tech solution
Have tried vitamin supplements
Have tried prescription medication
Have tried exercise
Are taking hormone replacement therapy